# How-To Guides How-To guides answer the question 'How do I...?' for a lot of topics. ## Content and data ```{toctree} :caption: Content and data :titlesonly: true content/nbgitpuller content/add-data content/share-data ``` ## The user environment ```{toctree} :caption: The user environment :titlesonly: true user-env/user-environment user-env/notebook-interfaces user-env/server-resources user-env/override-lab-settings ``` ## Authentication We have a special set of How-To Guides on using various forms of authentication with your JupyterHub. For more information on Authentication, see [](/topic/authenticator-configuration) ```{toctree} :caption: Authentication :titlesonly: true auth/dummy auth/github auth/google auth/awscognito auth/firstuse auth/nativeauth ``` ## Administration and security ```{toctree} :caption: Administration and security :titlesonly: true admin/admin-users admin/resource-estimation admin/resize admin/nbresuse admin/https admin/enable-extensions admin/systemd admin/upgrade-tljh ``` ## Cloud provider configuration ```{toctree} :caption: Cloud provider configuration :titlesonly: true providers/digitalocean providers/azure providers/google ```