(install-jetstream)= # Installing on Jetstream ## Goal By the end of this tutorial, you should have a JupyterHub with some admin users and a user environment with packages you want installed running on [Jetstream](https://jetstream-cloud.org/). ## Prerequisites 1. A Jetstream account with an XSEDE allocation; for more information, see the [Jetstream Allocations help page](http://wiki.jetstream-cloud.org/Jetstream+Allocations). ## Step 1: Installing The Littlest JupyterHub Let's create the server on which we can run JupyterHub. 1. Log in to [the Jetstream portal](https://use.jetstream-cloud.org/). You need an allocation to launch instances. 2. Select the **Launch New Instance** option to get going. ```{image} ../images/providers/jetstream/launch-instance-first-button.png :alt: Launch new instance button with description. ``` This takes you to a page with a list of base images you can choose for your server. 3. Under **Image Search**, search for **Ubuntu 22.04**, and select the **Ubuntu 22.04 Devel and Docker** image. ```{image} ../images/providers/jetstream/select-image.png :alt: Select Ubuntu 22.04 x64 image from image list ``` 4. Once selected, you will see more information about this image. Click the **Launch** button on the top right. ```{image} ../images/providers/jetstream/launch-instance-second-button.png :alt: Launch selected image with Launch button on top right ``` 5. A dialog titled **Launch an Instance / Basic Options** pops up, with various options for configuring your instance. ```{image} ../images/providers/jetstream/launch-instance-dialog.png :alt: Launch an Instance / Basic Options dialog box ``` 1. Give your server a descriptive **Instance Name**. 2. Select an appropriate **Instance Size**. We suggest m1.medium or larger. Make sure your instance has at least **1GB** of RAM. Check out our guide on How To [](/howto/admin/resource-estimation) to help pick how much Memory, CPU & disk space your server needs. 3. If you have multiple allocations, make sure you are 'charging' this server to the correct allocation. 6. Click the **Advanced Options** link in the bottom left of the popup. This lets us configure what the server should do when it starts up. We will use this to install The Littlest JupyterHub. A dialog titled **Launch an Instance / Advanced Options** should pop up. ```{image} ../images/providers/jetstream/add-deployment-script-dialog.png :alt: Dialog box allowing you to add a new script. ``` 7. Click the **Create New Script** button. This will open up another dialog box! ```{image} ../images/providers/jetstream/create-script-dialog.png :alt: Launch an Instance / Advanced Options dialog box ``` 8. Under **Input Type**, select **Raw Text**. This should make a text box titled **Raw Text** visible on the right side of the dialog box. Copy the text below, and paste it into the **Raw Text** text box. Replace `` with the name of the first **admin user** for this JupyterHub. This admin user can log in after the JupyterHub is set up, and can configure it to their needs. **Remember to add your username**! ```bash #!/bin/bash curl -L https://tljh.jupyter.org/bootstrap.py \ | sudo python3 - \ --admin ``` :::{note} See [](/topic/installer-actions) if you want to understand exactly what the installer is doing. [](/topic/customizing-installer) documents other options that can be passed to the installer. ::: 9. Under **Execution Strategy Type**, select **Run script on first boot**. 10. Under **Deployment Type**, select **Wait for script to complete**. 11. Click the **Save and Add Script** button on the bottom right. This should hide the dialog box. 12. Click the **Continue to Launch** button on the bottom right. This should put you back in the **Launch an Instance / Basic Options** dialog box again. 13. Click the **Launch Instance** button on the bottom right. This should turn it into a spinner, and your server is getting created! ```{image} ../images/providers/jetstream/launching-spinner.png :alt: Launch button turns into a spinner ``` 14. You'll now be shown a dashboard with all your servers and their states. The server you just launched will progress through various stages of set up, and you can see the progress here. ```{image} ../images/providers/jetstream/deployment-in-progress.png :alt: Instances dashboard showing deployment in progress. ``` 15. It will take about ten minutes for your server to come up. The status will say **Active** and the progress bar will be a solid green. At this point, your JupyterHub is ready for use! 16. Copy the **IP Address** of your server, and try accessing it from a web browser. It should give you a JupyterHub login page. ```{image} ../images/first-login.png :alt: JupyterHub log-in page ``` 17. Login using the **admin user name** you used in step 8, and a password. Use a strong password & note it down somewhere, since this will be the password for the admin user account from now on. 18. Congratulations, you have a running working JupyterHub! ## Step 2: Adding more users ```{include} add-users.md ``` ## Step 3: Install conda / pip packages for all users ```{include} add-packages.md ```