(howto-admin-https)= # Enable HTTPS Every JupyterHub deployment should enable HTTPS! HTTPS encrypts traffic so that usernames, passwords and your data are communicated securely. sensitive bits of information are communicated securely. The Littlest JupyterHub supports automatically configuring HTTPS via [Let's Encrypt](https://letsencrypt.org), or setting it up [manually](#howto-admin-https-manual) with your own TLS key and certificate. Unless you have a strong reason to use the manual method, you should use the [Let's Encrypt](#howto-admin-https-letsencrypt) method. :::{note} You _must_ have a domain name set up to point to the IP address on which TLJH is accessible before you can set up HTTPS. To do that, you would have to log in to the website of your registrar and go to the DNS records section. The interface will look like something similar to this: ```{image} ../../images/dns.png :alt: Adding an entry to the DNS records ``` ::: (howto-admin-https-letsencrypt)= ## Automatic HTTPS with Let's Encrypt :::{note} If the machine you are running on is not reachable from the internet - for example, if it is a machine internal to your organization that is cut off from the internet - you can not use this method. Please set up a DNS entry and HTTPS [manually](#howto-admin-https-manual). ::: To enable HTTPS via letsencrypt: ``` sudo tljh-config set https.enabled true sudo tljh-config set https.letsencrypt.email you@example.com sudo tljh-config add-item https.letsencrypt.domains yourhub.yourdomain.edu ``` where `you@example.com` is your email address and `yourhub.yourdomain.edu` is the domain where your hub will be running. Once you have loaded this, your config should look like: ``` sudo tljh-config show ``` ```yaml https: enabled: true letsencrypt: email: you@example.com domains: - yourhub.yourdomain.edu ``` Finally, you can reload the proxy to load the new configuration: ``` sudo tljh-config reload proxy ``` At this point, the proxy should negotiate with Let's Encrypt to set up a trusted HTTPS certificate for you. It may take a moment for the proxy to negotiate with Let's Encrypt to get your certificates, after which you can access your Hub securely at . These certificates are valid for 3 months. The proxy will automatically renew them for you before they expire. (howto-admin-https-manual)= ## Manual HTTPS with existing key and certificate You may already have an SSL key and certificate. If so, you can tell your deployment to use these files: ``` sudo tljh-config set https.enabled true sudo tljh-config set https.tls.key /etc/mycerts/mydomain.key sudo tljh-config set https.tls.cert /etc/mycerts/mydomain.cert ``` Once you have loaded this, your config should look like: ``` sudo tljh-config show ``` ```yaml https: enabled: true tls: key: /etc/mycerts/mydomain.key cert: /etc/mycerts/mydomain.cert ``` Finally, you can reload the proxy to load the new configuration: ``` sudo tljh-config reload proxy ``` and now access your Hub securely at . ## Troubleshooting If you're having trouble with HTTPS, looking at the [traefik proxy logs](troubleshooting-logs-traefik) might help.