Change default user interface#

By default a user starting a server will see the JupyterLab interface. This can be changed with TLJH config user_environment.default_app or with the JupyterHub config jupyterhub.spawner.Spawner.default_url directly.

The TLJH config supports the options jupyterlab and classic, which translates to a Spawner.default_url config of /lab and /tree.

Both these interfaces are also shipped with TLJH by default. You can try them temporarily, or set them to be the default interface whenever you login.

Trying an alternate interface temporarily#

When you log in and start your server, by default the URL in your browser will be something like /user/<username>/lab. The /lab is what tells the jupyter server to give you the JupyterLab user interface.

As an example, you can update the URL to not end with /lab, but instead end with /tree to temporarily switch to the classic interface.

Changing the default user interface using TLJH config#

You can change the default url, and therefore the interface users get when they log in by modifying TLJH config as an admin user.

  1. To launch the classic notebook interface when users log in, run the following in the admin console:

    sudo tljh-config set user_environment.default_app classic
  2. To launch JupyterLab when users log in, run the following in an admin console:

    sudo tljh-config set user_environment.default_app jupyterlab
  3. Apply the changes by restarting JupyterHub. This should not disrupt current users.

    sudo tljh-config reload hub

    If this causes problems, check the logs for clues on what went wrong.

Users might have to restart their servers from control panel to get the new interface.